A very elegant reed-like plant with slightly arching branches which have whorls of finely divided, feathery looking foliage. This species can be grown as part of a mixed border or in containers and grows to a height of 1 to 2 m. Tufted, compact plants of 1 to 2 m high, the diameter at the base growing up to 1 m. The stems are quite sturdy and have distinct nodes like a bamboo. At each node there is a thick whorl of finely divided, fertile branches, giving the whole plant a feathery appearance. The colour of the foliage-like branches is a deep green with small brown inflorescences at the tips. The growth form of this species is quite unique in that all the branchlets are fertile, in contrast with other restios where the finely divided side stems are not fertile. The branches are slightly arching and this gives the plants a very elegant appearance. The plants can reach a height of 1 to 1.5 m in three years and with age become slightly more upright and can reach a height of 2 m after five to seven years. Male and female plants flower sporadically from September to November, the female flowers are a deep pink, whereas the male flowers are pale yellow-green. This is a very widespread species and can be found along roadsides, streamsides, in little pockets of soil in between rocks, and in damp loamy soils from the Cederberg in the Western Cape all along the inland margins of the Cape Fold Mountains to Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape. Germination is greatly improved with treatment of smoke seed primer. For the best germination results with these seeds we recommend treating these seeds with USDA Zone - 8 Season to Sow - Autumn / Spring |